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Primary Montessori K-4 in Ahwatukee

Amici Trilingual Montessori Kindergarten

Amici Trilingual Montessori School in Ahwatukee

Free Kindergarten thru Third Grade  

Continued Enrollment for age 5 by December 31,2024 and age 7

​Amici Trilingual Montessori funds each student’s tuition using the state of Arizona’s Empowerment Scholarship Account (ESA). Now Arizona families can use their child’s state allocated education dollars to attend private elementary school in Arizona.

Our Approach to a Primary mixed age trilingual Montessori Education

Embark on a unique learning journey at our Montessori program! We nurture curious minds from Kindergarten through 3rd grade in a mixed-age environment, fostering collaboration and a love of discovery.

At Amici Trilingual Primary School in Ahwatukee, we combine the renowned Montessori philosophy with world language immersion in Mandarin, Spanish, and English, fostering a unique learning environment with a multitude of advantages for your child.

Our classrooms are designed around the Montessori philosophy, where children learn at their own pace through hands-on exploration and individualized instruction. Additionally, we offer a rich language immersion experience, with instruction available in Mandarin, Spanish, and English.

Prepare to be amazed as your child blossoms in a vibrant, multilingual environment!

Fostering independence, curiosity, and a love for learning is at the core of our Ahwatukee kindergarten program. Tailored activities cater to the unique interests and abilities of each child, allowing them to explore and discover at their own pace.



In our trilingual environment, children dive into English kindergarten, Spanish immersion kindergarten, and Mandarin kindergarten, creating a linguistic and cultural tapestry. Early exposure to multiple languages not only enhances cognitive development but also instills cultural awareness and inclusivity.

Recognizing the significance of social and emotional development in the pre-kindergarten years, our teachers are adept at guiding children to develop empathy, respect for others, and effective communication skills. At Amici Trilingual Montessori Kindergarten, we’re not just educating; we’re cultivating well-rounded individuals ready to embrace the challenges of the future.

Curriculum Overview

Are you looking for good kindergarten schools in Ahwatukee that offer a wide range of curriculum activities? Well, Amici Trilingual Montessori Kindergarten is ideal for you! Practical learning opportunities at this program include key subjects, such as:

  • Science and Nature: Unleash curiosity! Our Montessori science curriculum empowers children to discover answers on their own. Dive into the scientific process—questioning, hypothesizing, experimenting, observing, analyzing data, and drawing conclusions.
  • Music and Movement: Express through dance and movement, grooving to melodies from Chinese, Hispanic, and American cultures. Piano lessons are in the mix, amplifying the artistic symphony within our primary program.
  • Sensorial: Immerse in sensory exploration! Following Maria Montessori’s wisdom, our Sensorial activities help children sift through impressions, shaping their senses from three to six.
  • Cooking and Nutrition: Savor the essence of healthy eating! In food prep lessons, children wield knives, slice, and serve. From setup to cleanup, they own their meals, embracing the vital link between nutrition and well-being.
  • Cultural Awareness: Embark on a cultural journey! Our Montessori-certified Chinese and Hispanic teachers lead activities, exposing students to the richness of Chinese and Hispanic cultures.
  • History: Uncover the past! History lessons are key, to nurturing analytical skills, comparative perspectives, and critical thinking. Apply historical insights to shape young minds as global citizens.
  • Geography: Wander the world! Through movement, sensory experiences, and intellectual exploration, children delve into geography. Discover diverse cultures through food, music, and exploration of countries, oceans, and geographical features.
  • Language Arts: Master the art of language! Develop phonemic awareness, and apply phonics and word analysis skills. Reading with purpose and understanding fosters emergent literacy skills.
  • Mathematics: Crunch the numbers! Learn to represent quantities with numbers and numerals. Count objects, compare sets, recognize cardinalities, and unlock the world of mathematics.
  • Practical Life: Embrace life skills! Our Practical Life curriculum nurtures independence. Set the table, prepare snacks, care for the environment, and host guests—building social skills essential for life’s journey.

Get in Touch

Curious to know more about our pre-kindergarten program at Amici Trilingual Montessori Kindergarten? Dive into the conversation with our dedicated team. Any questions you harbor, any uncertainties you carry—we’re here to illuminate and guide you through the enrollment process. 

Let’s embark on the trilingual educational journey for your child together. Contact us today!


What is the age range for the pre-kindergarten program at Amici Trilingual Montessori Kindergarten?

The pre-kindergarten program at Amici Trilingual Montessori Kindergarten typically caters to children aged 3 to 6 years old.

How does the trilingual approach work in the pre-kindergarten program?

In our pre-kindergarten program, children are immersed in an environment where English, Spanish, and Mandarin are spoken. This early exposure to multiple languages enhances cognitive development and promotes cultural awareness and inclusivity.

What is the student-to-teacher ratio in the pre-kindergarten classrooms?

We maintain a low student-to-teacher ratio in our pre-kindergarten classrooms to ensure that each child receives individual attention and guidance.

How does Amici Trilingual Montessori Kindergarten incorporate the Montessori philosophy in the pre-kindergarten program?

Our private kindergarten program is rooted in the Montessori philosophy, which emphasizes self-directed activity, hands-on learning, and collaborative play. We provide a variety of activities that cater to the unique interests and abilities of each child, allowing them to explore and discover at their own pace.

What measures does Amici Trilingual Montessori Kindergarten take to ensure the safety and well-being of pre-kindergarten students?

At Amici Trilingual Montessori Kindergarten, the safety and well-being of our students is our top priority. We have secure indoor and outdoor spaces, and all our staff members are trained in safety protocols. We also maintain open communication with parents about their children’s experiences at our schools for kindergarten.